Fluoride in water: National Academy of Sciences report questions safety of EPA 4 ppm standard in drinking water.

Lead clean-up in Rhode Island: implications of this problem for rest of U.S.; impact of recently recognized (very) low level neurotoxicity in children.

Low fat diet and Breast cancer: No effect? Beyond the headlines, what the data does show and what it cannot.

TCE (trichoroethylene) cancer risk increases.
Evidence considered reliable implicates TCE as potential human carcinogen: National Academy of Sciences.

Alcoholics' Loss of Sense of Smell and Frontal Lobe Damage: a connection?
Study links smell disorder to prefrontal lobe cognitive deficit.

Non smoking lung cancer:
Toxicology & Medicine

Doubling of proportion of lung cancers in past 20 years, not associated with smoking or second-hand smoke. What is the cause? How this fits with Surgeon General's recent report of health effects due to second hand smoking (Toxicology & Medicine, In Depth].

Center for Disease Control's Report on Human Chemical Exposure
Hazard Assessment
Third National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals (2005), the most comprehensive study of 148 chemicals in U.S. population--the good, the bad and the toxic. [CDC report ].

Second Hand Smoke and Osteoporosis: a major risk factor? Recent study shows tripling of risk.

Toxic Chemical Fire at Hazardous Waste Facility
October 6, 2006:






Clean Air Act (CAA) industrial mercury emissions control: creation of mercury hot spots? Can Hg emission credits be traded like those for gaseous emissions (carbon dioxide)?

Recent research of relationship between autism risk and industrial mercury hot spots raises questions about affect of trading emission credits on creations of Hg hot spots .

The joint EPA-FDA Advisory on mercury and fish consumption: what it says and does not; what it means and does not. Clearing up the confusion [see . Guidelines, fact sheets and frequently asked questions [see Toxicology & the Home].

New research on low level neurotoxic effects of mercury: scientific evidence on both sides of the controversy [see Toxicology of Science].

EPA responds to petitions from States, Environmental Groups and Indian tribes to reconsider changes to the CAA that would allow cap trading of mercury releases. Review events leading up to recent development. Public comments invited (deadline for comments was December 17, 2005).


Thomas F. Schrager,Ph.D, Editor

About Cambridge Toxicology Group, Inc.


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